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W&B workspace is your personal sandbox to customize charts and explore model results. A W&B workspace consists of Tables and Panel sections:

  • Tables: All runs logged to your project are listed in the project's table. Turn on and off runs, change colors, and expand the table to see notes, config, and summary metrics for each run.
  • Panel sections: A section that contains one or more panels. Create new panels, organize them, and export to reports to save snapshots of your workspace.

Workspace types

There are two main workspace categories: Personal workspaces and Saved views.

  • Personal workspaces: A customizable workspace for in-depth analysis of models and data visualizations. Only the owner of the workspace can edit and save changes. Teammates can view a personal workspace but teammates can not make changes to someone else's personal workspace.
  • Saved views: Saved views are collaborative snapshots of a workspace. Anyone on your team can view, edit, and save changes to saved workspace views. Use saved workspace views for reviewing and discussing experiments, runs, and more.

The proceeding image shows multiple personal workspaces created by Cécile-parker's teammates. In this project, there are no saved views:

Saved workspace views

Improve team collaboration with tailored workspace views. Create Saved Views to organize your preferred setup of charts and data.

Create a new saved workspace view

  1. Navigate to a personal workspace or a saved view.
  2. Make edits to the workspace.
  3. Click on the meatball menu (three horizontal dots) at the top right corner of your workspace. Click on Save as a new view.

New saved views appear in the workspace navigation menu.

Update a saved workspace view

Saved changes overwrite the previous state of the saved view. Unsaved changes are not retained. To update a saved workspace view in W&B:

  1. Navigate to a saved view.
  2. Make the desired changes to your charts and data within the workspace.
  3. Click the Save button to confirm your changes.

A confirmation dialog appears when you save your updates to a workspace view. If you prefer not to see this prompt in the future, select the option Do not show this modal next time before confirming your save.

Delete a saved workspace view

Remove saved views that are no longer needed.

  1. Navigate to the saved view you want to remove.
  2. Click on the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) at the top right of the view.
  3. Choose Delete view.
  4. Confirm the deletion to remove the view from your workspace menu.

Share a workspace view

Share your customized workspace with your team by sharing the workspace URL directly. All users with access to the workspace project can see the saved Views of that workspace.

Programmatic workspace

wandb-workspaces is a Python library for programmatically working with Weights & Biases workspaces and reports.

Creating a workspace programmatically

You can define a workspace programmatically by defining the workspace's properties, such as its name, associated entity and project, and the sections it should contain.


  • Programmatic workspace creation:
    • Define and create workspaces with specific configurations.
    • Set panel layouts, colors, and section orders.
  • Workspace customization:
    • Configure workspace settings like default x-axis, section order, and collapse states.
    • Add and customize panels within sections to organize workspace views.
  • Editing existing workspace saved views:
    • Load and modify existing workspaces using a URL.
    • Save changes to existing workspaces or save as new views.
  • Run filtering and grouping:
    • Filter, group, and sort runs programmatically using simple expressions.
    • Customize run appearance with settings like colors and visibility.
  • Cross-workspace integration:
    • Copy views from one workspace to another for seamless integration and reuse.

Example workspace API workflows

See wandb-workspace examples for more comprehensive examples using the Weights & Biases workspace API.

Define and save a workspace view programmatically

wandb_workspaces.workspaces as ws

workspace = ws.Workspace(entity="your-entity", project="your-project", views=[...])

Edit an existing view

existing_workspace = ws.Workspace.from_url("workspace-url")
existing_workspace.views[0] = ws.View(name="my-new-view", sections=[...])

Copy a workspace saved view to another workspace

old_workspace = ws.Workspace.from_url("old-workspace-url")
old_workspace_view = old_workspace.views[0]
new_workspace = ws.Workspace(entity="new-entity", project="new-project", views=[old_workspace_view])
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