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How can I configure the name of the run in my training code?

At the top of your training script when you call wandb.init, pass in an experiment name, like this: wandb.init(name="my_awesome_run").

Can I run wandb offline?

If you're training on an offline machine and want to upload your results to our servers afterwards, we have a feature for you!

  1. Set the environment variable WANDB_MODE=offline to save the metrics locally, no internet required.
  2. When you're ready, run wandb init in your directory to set the project name.
  3. Run wandb sync YOUR_RUN_DIRECTORY to push the metrics to our cloud service and see your results in our hosted web app.

You can check via API whether your run is offline by using run.settings._offline or run.settings.mode after your wandb.init().

Some use-cases where you can use wandb sync

  • If you don’t have internet.
  • If you need to fully disable things.
  • To sync your run later due to any reason. For instance: if you want to avoid using resources on a training machine.

Does this only work for Python?

Currently, the library only works with Python 2.7+ & 3.6+ projects. The architecture mentioned above should enable us to integrate with other languages easily. If you have a need for monitoring other languages, send us a note at

Is there an anaconda package?

Yes! You can either install with pip or with conda. For the latter, you'll need to get the package from the conda-forge channel.

# Create a conda env
conda create -n wandb-env python=3.8 anaconda
# Activate created env
conda activate wandb-env
# install wandb with pip in this conda env
pip install wandb

If you run into issues with this install, please let us know. This Anaconda doc on managing packages has some helpful guidance.

How do I install the wandb Python library in environments without gcc?

If you try to install wandb and see this error:

unable to execute 'gcc': No such file or directory
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

You can install psutil directly from a pre-built wheel. Find your Python version and OS here:

For example, to install psutil on Python 3.8 in Linux:

pip install $WHEEL_URL

After psutil has been installed, you can install wandb with pip install wandb.

Does the W&B client support Python 2?

The W&B client library supported both Python 2.7 and Python 3 through version 0.10. Due to the Python 2 end of life, support for Python 2.7 was discontinued as of version 0.11. Users who runpip install --upgrade wandb on a Python 2.7 system will get new releases of the 0.10.x series only. Support for the 0.10.x series will be limited to critical bugfixes and patches. Currently, version 0.10.33 is the last version of the 0.10.x series that supports Python 2.7.

Does the W&B client support Python 3.5?

The W&B client library supported both Python 3.5 through version 0.11. Due to the Python 3.5 end of life, support was discontinued as of version 0.12.

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