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A unit of computation logged by wandb. Typically, this is an ML experiment.

settings: Settings,
config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
sweep_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
launch_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None

Create a run with wandb.init():

import wandb

run = wandb.init()

There is only ever at most one active wandb.Run in any process, and it is accessible as

import wandb

assert is None


assert is not None

anything you log with wandb.log will be sent to that run.

If you want to start more runs in the same script or notebook, you'll need to finish the run that is in-flight. Runs can be finished with wandb.finish or by using them in a with block:

import wandb


assert is None

with wandb.init() as run:
pass # log data here

assert is None

See the documentation for wandb.init for more on creating runs, or check out our guide to wandb.init.

In distributed training, you can either create a single run in the rank 0 process and then log information only from that process, or you can create a run in each process, logging from each separately, and group the results together with the group argument to wandb.init. For more details on distributed training with W&B, check out our guide.

Currently, there is a parallel Run object in the wandb.Api. Eventually these two objects will be merged.

summary(Summary) Single values set for each wandb.log() key. By default, summary is set to the last value logged. You can manually set summary to the best value, like max accuracy, instead of the final value.
configConfig object associated with this run.
dirThe directory where files associated with the run are saved.
entityThe name of the W&B entity associated with the run. Entity can be a username or the name of a team or organization.
groupName of the group associated with the run. Setting a group helps the W&B UI organize runs in a sensible way. If you are doing a distributed training you should give all of the runs in the training the same group. If you are doing cross-validation you should give all the cross-validation folds the same group.
idIdentifier for this run.
modeFor compatibility with 0.9.x and earlier, deprecate eventually.
nameDisplay name of the run. Display names are not guaranteed to be unique and may be descriptive. By default, they are randomly generated.
notesNotes associated with the run, if there are any. Notes can be a multiline string and can also use markdown and latex equations inside $$, like $x + 3$.
pathPath to the run. Run paths include entity, project, and run ID, in the format entity/project/run_id.
projectName of the W&B project associated with the run.
resumedTrue if the run was resumed, False otherwise.
settingsA frozen copy of run's Settings object.
start_timeUnix timestamp (in seconds) of when the run started.
starting_stepThe first step of the run.
stepCurrent value of the step. This counter is incremented by wandb.log.
sweep_idID of the sweep associated with the run, if there is one.
tagsTags associated with the run, if there are any.
urlThe W&B url associated with the run.



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title: str,
text: str,
level: Optional[Union[str, 'AlertLevel']] = None,
wait_duration: Union[int, float, timedelta, None] = None
) -> None

Launch an alert with the given title and text.

title(str) The title of the alert, must be less than 64 characters long.
text(str) The text body of the alert.
level(str or wandb.AlertLevel, optional) The alert level to use, either: INFO, WARN, or ERROR.
wait_duration(int, float, or timedelta, optional) The time to wait (in seconds) before sending another alert with this title.


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name: str,
step_metric: Union[str, wandb_metric.Metric, None] = None,
step_sync: Optional[bool] = None,
hidden: Optional[bool] = None,
summary: Optional[str] = None,
goal: Optional[str] = None,
overwrite: Optional[bool] = None
) -> wandb_metric.Metric

Customize metrics logged with wandb.log().

nameThe name of the metric to customize.
step_metricThe name of another metric to serve as the X-axis for this metric in automatically generated charts.
step_syncAutomatically insert the last value of step_metric into run.log() if it is not provided explicitly. Defaults to True if step_metric is specified.
hiddenHide this metric from automatic plots.
summarySpecify aggregate metrics added to summary. Supported aggregations include "min", "max", "mean", "last", "best", "copy" and "none". "best" is used together with the goal parameter. "none" prevents a summary from being generated. "copy" is deprecated and should not be used.
goalSpecify how to interpret the "best" summary type. Supported options are "minimize" and "maximize".
overwriteIf false, then this call is merged with previous define_metric calls for the same metric by using their values for any unspecified parameters. If true, then unspecified parameters overwrite values specified by previous calls.
An object that represents this call but can otherwise be discarded.


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detach() -> None


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height: int = 420,
hidden: bool = (False)
) -> bool

Display this run in jupyter.


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exit_code: Optional[int] = None,
quiet: Optional[bool] = None
) -> None

Mark a run as finished, and finish uploading all data.

This is used when creating multiple runs in the same process. We automatically call this method when your script exits or if you use the run context manager.

exit_codeSet to something other than 0 to mark a run as failed
quietSet to true to minimize log output


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artifact_or_path: Union[Artifact, str],
name: Optional[str] = None,
type: Optional[str] = None,
aliases: Optional[List[str]] = None,
distributed_id: Optional[str] = None
) -> Artifact

Finishes a non-finalized artifact as output of a run.

Subsequent "upserts" with the same distributed ID will result in a new version.

artifact_or_path(str or Artifact) A path to the contents of this artifact, can be in the following forms: - /local/directory - /local/directory/file.txt - s3://bucket/path You can also pass an Artifact object created by calling wandb.Artifact.
name(str, optional) An artifact name. May be prefixed with entity/project. Valid names can be in the following forms: - name:version - name:alias - digest This will default to the basename of the path prepended with the current run id if not specified.
type(str) The type of artifact to log, examples include dataset, model
aliases(list, optional) Aliases to apply to this artifact, defaults to ["latest"]
distributed_id(string, optional) Unique string that all distributed jobs share. If None, defaults to the run's group name.
An Artifact object.


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get_project_url() -> Optional[str]

Return the url for the W&B project associated with the run, if there is one.

Offline runs will not have a project url.


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get_sweep_url() -> Optional[str]

Return the url for the sweep associated with the run, if there is one.


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get_url() -> Optional[str]

Return the url for the W&B run, if there is one.

Offline runs will not have a url.


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exit_code: Optional[int] = None
) -> None

Deprecated alias for finish() - use finish instead.

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artifact: Artifact,
target_path: str,
aliases: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> None

Link the given artifact to a portfolio (a promoted collection of artifacts).

The linked artifact will be visible in the UI for the specified portfolio.

artifactthe (public or local) artifact which will be linked
target_pathstr - takes the following forms: {portfolio}, {project}/{portfolio}, or {entity}/{project}/{portfolio}
aliasesList[str] - optional alias(es) that will only be applied on this linked artifact inside the portfolio. The alias "latest" will always be applied to the latest version of an artifact that is linked.

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path: StrPath,
registered_model_name: str,
name: Optional[str] = None,
aliases: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> None

Log a model artifact version and link it to a registered model in the model registry.

The linked model version will be visible in the UI for the specified registered model.


  • Check if 'name' model artifact has been logged. If so, use the artifact version that matches the files located at 'path' or log a new version. Otherwise log files under 'path' as a new model artifact, 'name' of type 'model'.
  • Check if registered model with name 'registered_model_name' exists in the 'model-registry' project. If not, create a new registered model with name 'registered_model_name'.
  • Link version of model artifact 'name' to registered model, 'registered_model_name'.
  • Attach aliases from 'aliases' list to the newly linked model artifact version.
path(str) A path to the contents of this model, can be in the following forms: - /local/directory - /local/directory/file.txt - s3://bucket/path
registered_model_name(str) - the name of the registered model that the model is to be linked to. A registered model is a collection of model versions linked to the model registry, typically representing a team's specific ML Task. The entity that this registered model belongs to will be derived from the run name: (str, optional) - the name of the model artifact that files in 'path' will be logged to. This will default to the basename of the path prepended with the current run id if not specified.
aliases(List[str], optional) - alias(es) that will only be applied on this linked artifact inside the registered model. The alias "latest" will always be applied to the latest version of an artifact that is linked.



Invalid usage


AssertionErrorif registered_model_name is a path or if model artifact 'name' is of a type that does not contain the substring 'model'
ValueErrorif name has invalid special characters


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data: Dict[str, Any],
step: Optional[int] = None,
commit: Optional[bool] = None,
sync: Optional[bool] = None
) -> None

Log a dictionary of data to the current run's history.

Use wandb.log to log data from runs, such as scalars, images, video, histograms, plots, and tables.

See our guides to logging for live examples, code snippets, best practices, and more.

The most basic usage is wandb.log({"train-loss": 0.5, "accuracy": 0.9}). This will save the loss and accuracy to the run's history and update the summary values for these metrics.

Visualize logged data in the workspace at, or locally on a self-hosted instance of the W&B app, or export data to visualize and explore locally, e.g. in Jupyter notebooks, with our API.

In the UI, summary values show up in the run table to compare single values across runs. Summary values can also be set directly with["key"] = value.

Logged values don't have to be scalars. Logging any wandb object is supported. For example wandb.log({"example": wandb.Image("myimage.jpg")}) will log an example image which will be displayed nicely in the W&B UI. See the reference documentation for all of the different supported types or check out our guides to logging for examples, from 3D molecular structures and segmentation masks to PR curves and histograms. wandb.Tables can be used to logged structured data. See our guide to logging tables for details.

Logging nested metrics is encouraged and is supported in the W&B UI. If you log with a nested dictionary like wandb.log({"train": {"acc": 0.9}, "val": {"acc": 0.8}}), the metrics will be organized into train and val sections in the W&B UI.

wandb keeps track of a global step, which by default increments with each call to wandb.log, so logging related metrics together is encouraged. If it's inconvenient to log related metrics together calling wandb.log({"train-loss": 0.5}, commit=False) and then wandb.log({"accuracy": 0.9}) is equivalent to calling wandb.log({"train-loss": 0.5, "accuracy": 0.9}).

wandb.log is not intended to be called more than a few times per second. If you want to log more frequently than that it's better to aggregate the data on the client side or you may get degraded performance.

data(dict, optional) A dict of serializable python objects i.e str, ints, floats, Tensors, dicts, or any of the wandb.data_types.
commit(boolean, optional) Save the metrics dict to the wandb server and increment the step. If false wandb.log just updates the current metrics dict with the data argument and metrics won't be saved until wandb.log is called with commit=True.
step(integer, optional) The global step in processing. This persists any non-committed earlier steps but defaults to not committing the specified step.
sync(boolean, True) This argument is deprecated and currently doesn't change the behaviour of wandb.log.


For more and more detailed examples, see our guides to logging.

Basic usage

import wandb

run = wandb.init()
run.log({"accuracy": 0.9, "epoch": 5})

Incremental logging

import wandb

run = wandb.init()
run.log({"loss": 0.2}, commit=False)
# Somewhere else when I'm ready to report this step:
run.log({"accuracy": 0.8})


import numpy as np
import wandb

# sample gradients at random from normal distribution
gradients = np.random.randn(100, 100)
run = wandb.init()
run.log({"gradients": wandb.Histogram(gradients)})

Image from numpy

import numpy as np
import wandb

run = wandb.init()
examples = []
for i in range(3):
pixels = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(100, 100, 3))
image = wandb.Image(pixels, caption=f"random field {i}")
run.log({"examples": examples})

Image from PIL

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image as PILImage
import wandb

run = wandb.init()
examples = []
for i in range(3):
pixels = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
pil_image = PILImage.fromarray(pixels, mode="RGB")
image = wandb.Image(pil_image, caption=f"random field {i}")
run.log({"examples": examples})

Video from numpy

import numpy as np
import wandb

run = wandb.init()
# axes are (time, channel, height, width)
frames = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(10, 3, 100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)
run.log({"video": wandb.Video(frames, fps=4)})

Matplotlib Plot

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import wandb

run = wandb.init()
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x = np.linspace(0, 10)
y = x * x
ax.plot(x, y) # plot y = x^2
run.log({"chart": fig})

PR Curve

import wandb

run = wandb.init()
run.log({"pr": wandb.plot.pr_curve(y_test, y_probas, labels)})

3D Object

import wandb

run = wandb.init()
"generated_samples": [
wandb.Errorif called before wandb.init
ValueErrorif invalid data is passed


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artifact_or_path: Union[Artifact, StrPath],
name: Optional[str] = None,
type: Optional[str] = None,
aliases: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> Artifact

Declare an artifact as an output of a run.

artifact_or_path(str or Artifact) A path to the contents of this artifact, can be in the following forms: - /local/directory - /local/directory/file.txt - s3://bucket/path You can also pass an Artifact object created by calling wandb.Artifact.
name(str, optional) An artifact name. Valid names can be in the following forms: - name:version - name:alias - digest This will default to the basename of the path prepended with the current run id if not specified.
type(str) The type of artifact to log, examples include dataset, model
aliases(list, optional) Aliases to apply to this artifact, defaults to ["latest"]
An Artifact object.


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root: Optional[str] = ".",
name: Optional[str] = None,
include_fn: Union[Callable[[str, str], bool], Callable[[str], bool]] = _is_py_or_dockerfile,
exclude_fn: Union[Callable[[str, str], bool], Callable[[str], bool]] = filenames.exclude_wandb_fn
) -> Optional[Artifact]

Save the current state of your code to a W&B Artifact.

By default, it walks the current directory and logs all files that end with .py.

rootThe relative (to os.getcwd()) or absolute path to recursively find code from.
name(str, optional) The name of our code artifact. By default, we'll name the artifact source-$PROJECT_ID-$ENTRYPOINT_RELPATH. There may be scenarios where you want many runs to share the same artifact. Specifying name allows you to achieve that.
include_fnA callable that accepts a file path and (optionally) root path and returns True when it should be included and False otherwise. This defaults to: lambda path, root: path.endswith(".py")
exclude_fnA callable that accepts a file path and (optionally) root path and returns True when it should be excluded and False otherwise. This defaults to a function that excludes all files within <root>/.wandb/ and <root>/wandb/ directories.


Basic usage


Advanced usage

include_fn=lambda path: path.endswith(".py") or path.endswith(".ipynb"),
exclude_fn=lambda path, root: os.path.relpath(path, root).startswith("cache/"),
An Artifact object if code was logged


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path: StrPath,
name: Optional[str] = None,
aliases: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> None

Logs a model artifact containing the contents inside the 'path' to a run and marks it as an output to this run.

path(str) A path to the contents of this model, can be in the following forms: - /local/directory - /local/directory/file.txt - s3://bucket/path
name(str, optional) A name to assign to the model artifact that the file contents will be added to. The string must contain only the following alphanumeric characters: dashes, underscores, and dots. This will default to the basename of the path prepended with the current run id if not specified.
aliases(list, optional) Aliases to apply to the created model artifact, defaults to ["latest"]



Invalid usage

ValueErrorif name has invalid special characters


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mark_preempting() -> None

Mark this run as preempting.

Also tells the internal process to immediately report this to server.


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vega_spec_name: str,
data_table: "wandb.Table",
fields: Dict[str, Any],
string_fields: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
split_table: Optional[bool] = (False)
) -> CustomChart

Create a custom plot on a table.

vega_spec_namethe name of the spec for the plot
data_tablea wandb.Table object containing the data to be used on the visualization
fieldsa dict mapping from table keys to fields that the custom visualization needs
string_fieldsa dict that provides values for any string constants the custom visualization needs


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project_name() -> str


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name: str,
run_path: Optional[str] = None,
replace: bool = (False),
root: Optional[str] = None
) -> Union[None, TextIO]

Download the specified file from cloud storage.

File is placed into the current directory or run directory. By default, will only download the file if it doesn't already exist.

namethe name of the file
run_pathoptional path to a run to pull files from, i.e. username/project_name/run_id if wandb.init has not been called, this is required.
replacewhether to download the file even if it already exists locally
rootthe directory to download the file to. Defaults to the current directory or the run directory if wandb.init was called.
None if it can't find the file, otherwise a file object open for reading
wandb.CommErrorif we can't connect to the wandb backend
ValueErrorif the file is not found or can't find run_path


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glob_str: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,
base_path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,
policy: "PolicyName" = "live"
) -> Union[bool, List[str]]

Sync one or more files to W&B.

Relative paths are relative to the current working directory.

A Unix glob, such as "myfiles/*", is expanded at the time save is called regardless of the policy. In particular, new files are not picked up automatically.

A base_path may be provided to control the directory structure of uploaded files. It should be a prefix of glob_str, and the directory structure beneath it is preserved. It's best understood through examples:"these/are/myfiles/*")
# => Saves files in a "these/are/myfiles/" folder in the run."these/are/myfiles/*", base_path="these")
# => Saves files in an "are/myfiles/" folder in the run."/User/username/Documents/run123/*.txt")
# => Saves files in a "run123/" folder in the run. See note below."/User/username/Documents/run123/*.txt", base_path="/User")
# => Saves files in a "username/Documents/run123/" folder in the run."files/*/saveme.txt")
# => Saves each "saveme.txt" file in an appropriate subdirectory
# of "files/".

Note: when given an absolute path or glob and no base_path, one directory level is preserved as in the example above.

glob_strA relative or absolute path or Unix glob.
base_pathA path to use to infer a directory structure; see examples.
policyOne of live, now, or end. live: upload the file as it changes, overwriting the previous version now: upload the file once now * end: upload file when the run ends
Paths to the symlinks created for the matched files. For historical reasons, this may return a boolean in legacy code.


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status() -> RunStatus

Get sync info from the internal backend, about the current run's sync status.


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height: int = 420,
hidden: bool = (False)
) -> str

Generate HTML containing an iframe displaying the current run.


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) -> None


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artifact_or_path: Union[Artifact, str],
name: Optional[str] = None,
type: Optional[str] = None,
aliases: Optional[List[str]] = None,
distributed_id: Optional[str] = None
) -> Artifact

Declare (or append to) a non-finalized artifact as output of a run.

Note that you must call run.finish_artifact() to finalize the artifact. This is useful when distributed jobs need to all contribute to the same artifact.

artifact_or_path(str or Artifact) A path to the contents of this artifact, can be in the following forms: - /local/directory - /local/directory/file.txt - s3://bucket/path You can also pass an Artifact object created by calling wandb.Artifact.
name(str, optional) An artifact name. May be prefixed with entity/project. Valid names can be in the following forms: - name:version - name:alias - digest This will default to the basename of the path prepended with the current run id if not specified.
type(str) The type of artifact to log, examples include dataset, model
aliases(list, optional) Aliases to apply to this artifact, defaults to ["latest"]
distributed_id(string, optional) Unique string that all distributed jobs share. If None, defaults to the run's group name.
An Artifact object.


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artifact_or_name: Union[str, Artifact],
type: Optional[str] = None,
aliases: Optional[List[str]] = None,
use_as: Optional[str] = None
) -> Artifact

Declare an artifact as an input to a run.

Call download or file on the returned object to get the contents locally.

artifact_or_name(str or Artifact) An artifact name. May be prefixed with entity/project/. Valid names can be in the following forms: - name:version - name:alias You can also pass an Artifact object created by calling wandb.Artifact
type(str, optional) The type of artifact to use.
aliases(list, optional) Aliases to apply to this artifact
use_as(string, optional) Optional string indicating what purpose the artifact was used with. Will be shown in UI.
An Artifact object.


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name: str
) -> FilePathStr

Download the files logged in a model artifact 'name'.

name(str) A model artifact name. 'name' must match the name of an existing logged model artifact. May be prefixed with entity/project/. Valid names can be in the following forms: - model_artifact_name:version - model_artifact_name:alias





Invalid usage

AssertionErrorif model artifact 'name' is of a type that does not contain the substring 'model'.
path(str) path to downloaded model artifact file(s).


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models, criterion=None, log="gradients", log_freq=100, idx=None,
) -> None


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__enter__() -> "Run"


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exc_type: Type[BaseException],
exc_val: BaseException,
exc_tb: TracebackType
) -> bool
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